
30 March 2010

“Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux


17 March 2010

The moment I realised a calling

Like a puzzle starts to come together - so my life calling comes together. For years I have had different passions and now I see how these are coming together. 
A few weeks ago I mentioned that I have resigned. 
I have decided to study again.
I have a Passion for Africa and the people of Africa.
Especially a fascination with Zambia.
Today I was moved by an account by a British midwife Lisa Common,
She writes about a life changing experience in Zambia

I have this deep knowing and desire to make a difference.

While looking at I came across Jane Chen of Embrace.
450 premature babies die every hour in developing countries, one of the main reasons is they cannot regulate there body temperature. With no or very little medical interventions Incubators are not readily available or there is just no electricity.
The embrace infant warmer is an economic, easy to use and sterile option.
Now to get them to the places in need......
This is what drives me - that there are these kind of organisations working to make a difference - I will be part of this movement making a difference to the mothers and babies of Africa.

05 March 2010

first moments of life

On Tuesday nights the blue rinse girls meet for dinner, there are 6 of us, we alternate homes and try out our new recipes on each other as the years pass us by we gather to connect and encourage and laugh and drink wine  but most importantly share our lives with each other. I clearly remember that evening nine months ago (it feels like a few weeks back) the six of us were gathered around my dining table jabbering, -I was on my soap box giving my views on Natural birth and pregnancy - when it suddenly hit a few of us that not everyone was drinking wine that evening, there was silence, a few glances around and next moment Megs announces she had just found out she was pregnant and was trying to keep quiet until her 3 month mark but alas who can keep that kind of news from the blue rinses........ well you can imagine 6 women together filled with joy after we all  settled down, Bon shared with us that she too was pregnant, two weeks behind Meg........ :)

As a trained Doula and future Midwife I revelled in having two close friends pregnant at the same time one with similar views to me, natural birth, bamboo nappies and breast fed, the other an elected Cesarean & disposable nappies.... I believe there is no right or wrong each person has to make the choice that they are most comfortable with........ Before I get carried away, I'll put this aside for another blog.

I am so excited to announce the birth of the beautiful little Rachele Emma, she graced us with her presence on the afternoon of the 3rd of march.
While on our way to check on Mom and Babe we received a call to lets us know that Megs had just gone into labor and the little
Eiran Rose arrived late in the evening of the 4th March.
I can't wait to meet her and check on Mom.

I have been so blessed to have assisted many moms in this incredible journey, to watch a baby arrive in the world is breath taking and it is because of this incredible overwhelming feeling that I have experienced I have decided to become a student again, go back to school and study midwifery later this year.

Well I'm off now to Meet Eiran.

04 March 2010

moment of morning bliss

Early morning alarm buzzers - a hectic day ahead......
I sleepily make my way to the kitchen 
and delve into my morning ritual 
I fill the bottom chamber with fresh water
then the filter funnel gets loaded with 
freshly ground organic coffee beans from Zambia
the pot screwed on top 
Placed on the stove 
I turn up the tunes and....
Wait for that enticing aeroma to fill my home
the sound of the Espresso bubbling into the pot
then the final gurgal 
Voila Morning
Makes waking up worth it.....

Things I've learned while traveling

  • That everything you need can fit in a backpack and make it onto the plane as hand luggage.
  • That using a squat toilet get's easier.
  • The best coffee comes from Spain.
  • That the best way to travel is most definitely is by boat.
    • That the beat restaurant's are not in your guidebook, it's down some dingy alley that you feel slightly afraid walking down, It's filled with cigarette smoke and gesticulating locals, It's cheaper than anywhere else you've found, The menu's not in English.
  • How to sleep sitting up.
  • That if you are jet lagged, the best thing to do is get out in the sun as it readjusts your body clock naturally.
  • That it actually is possible to communicate without speaking.
  • That "winging it" really does work (most of the time).
  • That just because you have a good time traveling with someone you met on the road, doesn't mean you're gonna be friends when you get home.
  • That water-resistant is not the same thing as waterproof.
  • That a massive pair of sunnies is the best thing for photos if you are tired.
  • That you learn more about who you are when you are around people who you are not.
  • That cabin fever really does exist.
  • That above all things, being surrounded by water relaxes me.
  • That people treat you so much better when they think you have money.
  • That a person only really needs 4 hours sleep a night.
  • That music can change a bad bus journey - don't forget to charge the I pod!
  • That you really aren't allowed to take photos at airports.
  • That all airports have freaky p.a. songs playing 24/7 to stop people living there.
  • That you can pay your way out of most situations.
  • How small mountains can make you feel.
  • That I can be a multi-faceted machine when I need to be.
  • That traveling on your own can be extremely lonely & extremely liberating.
  • That there really is no place like home.
  • Never pass up an opportunity to travel. Find a way. Rearrange your schedule, scrape together the money - just do it.
  • That I really do need human contact.
  • That wrinkles can come on quickly.
  • That McDonalds are always centrally located and have clean western toilets - but eat in a Local joint.
  • That sometimes smiling and nodding is your best option.
  • That no matter where you go people are ultimately exactly the same.
  • That your life can change completely in the space a of a day.
  • That there are some places that you visit that feel eerily familiar.
  • That there are many signs out there.
  • That there is no such thing as a bad vacation. They just give you really good stories to tell when you get home.
  • That your mind really can control your body.
  • That some cosmetics really do work.
  • That in order to be a back packer on the move you need to be able to do at least 7 things at once.
  • Spontaneous travel is some of the best traveling. Just hop on a plane/ferry and go.
  • That many taxi drivers have done many things with there lives besides drive people round the bend.
  • That couples in their second marriage travel more than ones in their first.
  • That the bank really expects you to call them each time you leave a country.
  • That long dresses are the best travel outfits for a girl.
  • That canned food is under rated.
  • That traveling on your own forces you to talk to people and make great mates.
  • That if you put your mind to doing something you can do anything.
  • That you can do a hell of a lot in 30 days.
  • The people of China are some of the kindest and gracious people I have met.
  • That what goes up must eventually come down.

02 March 2010


So once again Christmas is around the corner and I have to admit it is not my best holiday. I dislike the excessive money spent on trinkets that are not needed and often unappreciated - This is a very generalised comment, the feeling has grown within me over the past years. Sitting around a table on a very hot South African evening with a table laden with turkey, ham etc etc is not conducive for a hot evening this seems crazy to me and yet a great treat to others. Over the past few years I have chosen a charity or project that has special meaning to me and made a donation on behalf of all my family and friends....... This year I have chosen the Princess Alice adoption home,  Although my first niece was born this year so I will be in search of a Green Christmas gift for her.
As I believe that the meaning of Christmas has been lost, I choose once a year to spend it on my own preferably traveling. I take the time to look back over the year and contemplate my life and observe how Christmas is celebrated in different cultures and countries. My family is spread around the world so I also make time to visit them and enjoy there company.
While wondering the streets of Seville I found this little shop filled with recyclable useful gifts... I love the words positive Christmas...

Living and Knowing

Two days ago I had the pleasure of meeting Jeffery - a good looking successful gentleman.
I have not been able to let go of his story since meeting him.
Is it Living or Craziness?
Tell me your thoughts?
Jeffery was introduced to Laila via the internet by a friend.
He describes Laila, every detail of her laugh, her zest for life, her femininity -
he paints a picture of a beautiful soulful women as if he has known her since teenage years.
Jeffery has just walked into my friends shop to show her the exquisite arrangement of blinding diamonds he has put together for the day he proposes.........

Mucahid Zengin's photo

I ask this glowing man about his true love and he talks of her travels, her Passions, her ambitions, how she completes him.
I ask how long this beautiful Moroccan (living in Holland) and this South African Yuppie have been together.....
"We have been chatting and dating for 6 weeks" Jeffery says with a cheeky menacing look in his eye - he can't wait for the reaction - "Oh" I say
"So when did you two meet then?" I ask
"I will meet my Beautiful Laila on Saturday" He smiles "and propose to her, If she accepts we shall Marry on Tuesday"
I am actually breath taken as I think this over -
I choose to respond rather then react.....
We get caught up in the selling of ourselves to a potential other half......... so caught up we forget to be in that moment the moment when Knowing reveille's itself............
If we are brave enough to be here right now with no assumptions, no beliefs, no box's...... and just feel it... we will know what to do - really know.

How different would the outcome be?
How often do we meet someone with this knowing that they are not right - yet we choose to ignore this knowing wanting to satisfy a need driven by fear and looking back the out come fitted perfectly with that first knowing......

What if we eliminated the "dating" - allowed ourselves to become vulnerable and were 100% honest with our selves and the other person - would the process be shortened and honest?...........

I asked Jeffery what he would do if he met her and just knew this was wrong? He replied quite simply "We will make the most of our time and go on with our journeys, nothing lost but rather an adventure gained"

I love the idea - I have no experience when it comes to marriage. Relationships yes -
I see Marriage as committed hard work on yourself and the joint relationship - so those lusty, loving, passionate months/years of dating do they make a marriage?
 Listening to your soul - that makes sense to me - scary?hell yeah - worth it? -
I would so do it!

Well Jeffery and Laila met - they both say there expectations were very high and well surpassed.
They married on the Tuesday
They both glow with reverence and respect for each other.
The out come? - life how do you ever know unless you listen to that first knowing - JUMP and experience the journey with no regret.