
09 April 2010

f(love) = 0

f(love) = 0

by Monica M. Eiland

f(love) = 0
The function of love is undefined.

∫f''(love) = 0
impossible, infinitely uncertain result:
if circumstances were different
what would be the second spatial coordinate
that is a function of love?
but the function is fixed:
circumstances define
the hand that draws the line
Forward, backward, what will make it work?

f''(love) = 0
the quality of a nonexistent
is less than zero
what is the slope, the rise and run
of the function that dooms me?
this love has no degree
no rate of movement
by the definition of love,
undefined in an impossible f''(x).


∫f''(love)dlove = 0
area under an impossible function
if time could flow backwards,
what would be the length, depth, and height
of the product of our love?
but the product is nonexistent:
an area of undefined space,
like a black hole
Forward, backward, what will make it work?

dlove = ln love
I have never been good at math,
but here is a loophole:
how could I have missed Newton's trick
to finding area where none used to exist?
Love is like an alchemist's salamander,
fireproof, slippery, fluid in the darkness;
but wearing a coat of improbable logs
I can capture fire.